From the desk of principal
The popularity and prestige of The Sanskriti a Global School is in the hands of our lovely children and worthy parents. The only thing which is required is to provide a proper guidance and healthy atmosphere. A need was being felt in this area for such an environment to be created. We have tried our best to fulfill that need.
Here in The Sanskriti we provide all the basic as well on modern facilities required for the all round development of a child. We try our best to inculcate the practical knowledge in our little gems along with the morality. The faculty here always motivate the students to communicate in English which is the requirement of future. A healthy positive mentality, spoken English, moral values, games, presentation on the stage, acquaintance with the technology etc. are always taken care while teaching the students.
I assure you that your child will get the best of guidance and will secure a great achievement while being a part of The Sanskriti.