Rules of Discipline

Rules & discipline

“Motivation gets you going, but discipline keeps you growing”

Discipline brings stability to our life. It makes us responsible and respectful. It promotes good human behavior and creates a better society.

In schools, discipline is a way to set limits for the children so that they know what is right and what is wrong. This improves the character of the students and they become strong as well as self reliant.

Here are some guidelines for the students to follow while being in school.

  1. All students must reach school on time.
  2. They must reach school in proper uniform.
  3. They need to complete their homework on time.
  4. It is necessary for everyone to bring lunch and water bottle.
  5. They must not try to damage school property.
  6. Be kind, polite and courteous to others.
  7. They must listen to the teachers and follow the instructions.
  8. During class, they should raise hand if they want to speak anything.
  9. They can not leave the school campus without permission.
  10. They should work hard and always do their best.
